Banyumas regency as one of the thirty-five regencies in Jawa Tengah. Exactly, Banyumas lies on the slope of Slamet Mountain and Serayu river flows through it. Everybody knows that Banyumas has a beautiful song, which has a title "Ditepinya Sungai Serayu".
It means: at the bank of Serayu River. Banyumas as tourist destination are in the South of Jawa Tengah has many kind of cultures and beautiful sceneries to support the development of tourist sector in Banyumas aimed to Baturaden tourist object. It lies on the slope of Slamet mountain.
Baturaden is located only 14 kilometers to the north from the Capital of Administrative Town of Purwokerto, which is connected by a good road. People can enjoy a beautiful scenery and fresh mountain air with temperature of 15° to 25° Celsius.
Slamet Mountain is 3,428 meters of high. It is volcano and the biggest and the second highest mountain in Java. Banyumas has also Mandala Wisata Building as Tourism Information Center and Art Galerry. It lies at k.m. 10 Baturaden.
Banyumas Regency is located in the southwest & is a part of Central Java Province. Boundaries Banyumas Regency is:
North: Slamet Mountain, Tegal regency, and Pemalang
Southern: Cilacap Regency
West side: Cilacap Regency and Brebes
East: Purbalingga Regency, Kebumen, and Banjarnegara
The interesting place to see is Baturaden, located 15 km north of Purwokerto. Baturaden is a classical highland country in the foot of Gunung Slamet volcano. Central Java's outstanding resort is approximately 14 km north of Purwokerto. It occupies a fine site on the slope of Mount Slamet, at an elevation of 650 m above sea level. It has remarkable weather with a cool mountain breeze. The temperature ranges from 18 degree C to 25 degree C. The resort area is surrounded by nice gardens, hot springs, ponds and bungalow-style hotels. Other features include 200 ha of pine forest, a nearby market and marvelous views. Some European groups are known to spend a day trekking through its Splendid Natural Forest and Villages. Always green, the area is blessed with an abundance of natural water resources spouting out in numerous waterfalls and rivers, which flow between the huge boulders of hardened lava. The huge boulders also points out to Ravines and river bank and form some kind of path, apparently having rolled down from Mount Slamet during a eruption many centuries ago.
Baturaden is renowned for local tourism; with attraction of hot spring, trekking and camping. The main attraction for tourist is the Loka Wisata Baturaden, a recreational Park with a swimming pool, water slide, lake; children's play ground with an Old Dutch Merry-go-round, Hot water mineral spring and Botanical Gardens. We can come to spend the whole day, picnicking on the grassy lawn or along the river or bathing in the mineral waters, which contain sulfur. There are two natural hot spring in Baturaden, namely Pancuran Telu and Pancuran Pitu. The park connects with "Pancuran Tujuh" (Seven Fountains) of warm sulfuric spring water about 2,5 Km's away. The camping ground is called Wana Wisata. There are 76 hotels ranging from the star grade to the modest one for overnight stay. We can go perum berkoh there are one elite house in this city.